So Tuesday was my Birthday and in many ways it was bittersweet ...I couldn't help but remember last year when I was still so heartbroken from my loss that the day came and went and I barely noticed..This year however I found myself with some odd feelings about it I turned 29 (and NO I am NOT panicking about turning 30) and I realized how different our life was compared to our "plans" for our future to date. First we had said from the time we became engaged we wanted 3 children and for me I wanted to have them all Born by the time I was 30 so I would still have time to enjoy them as they grew up.. Instead I have 1 DC and am just now being able to try and have #2 with more than 1 loss along the way. I wanted to be either done with my RN or enrolled at KU (yes I am a Jayhawker ppl deal LOL) finishing my MD..instead I have just finished my RMA with plans to go back for my RN possibly sooner than originally
(re)planned And DH is finally getting to go back to school (he spent all his time putting me through and taking care of us while I followed my dreams) I am more grateful for him than I could ever say He has walked this journey with me and stayed by my side when many would have given up and walked away I can truly say I am proud to call him my husband (don't tell him though or I'll never hear the end LOL)
This birthday was full of surprises though in a funny way the ppl I never expected to remember my birthday were the first to call/text and send me good wishes while the ones who I thought would never forget did ODD I think but I am thankful at the same time as it brought some dearly missed contact with old friends that I didn't even realize I needed..think maybe God was paying more attention than I was to what I needed? I do and I am ok witht that
Ok so on to some "real" news
Dh had his IVP Kidney x-ray on Monday we should have some results from that in a couple of weeks they also did some hormonal blood work (trust me the jokes between us flew about that on) V and I are going to the fertility DR today to set up for our consultations which should be in mid July (starting it now so we can be sure all the medical records and such get there in time). As for any new testing on me..none yet but the concensus seems to be there may not be aby more needed besides some routine bloodwork to moniter my Progesterone levels leading up to pregnancy (mainly as a precaution)
Other than that life is normal as usual we have been working on a remodeling project (see below) Hopefully the pics will post ok The first 1 is The before and the 2nd 2 are the after we built,stained and clearcoated all of this ourselves...I think it looks pretty good personally the color (which you can't see well in these) is A mahogony (sp?) with a high gloss clear..the doors on the cabinets are not clear coated yet but should be by tonight :) and please pardon our mess LOL
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Birthday thoughts ..and other random bits
Posted by Brooke at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Well we got Dh's SA results.....the count and motility have more than DOUBLED!!!! granted he is still way low but the fact that its up is giving both the dr and us hope they had him adjust some vitamin doses and such and they want to see if at 3 months we can get it up even further which would be GREAT for increasing our odds of the IUI taking...
So that is where it is now moving forward at a so far so good pace..Speaking of moving forward we got a LOT done yesterday DH started my built in shelves on either side of the fireplace (i will post pics if I can get the damn Camera to cooperate lol).
Short Post but all in all things are going well and hopefully will continue to do so (Destiny can just keep holding that other shoe thankyouverymuch)
Many hugs and Blessings
Posted by Brooke at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Little Sunshine..
Just to add some sunshine to the day...I decided it was time to let those of you who keep up with me "meet" the family....Enjoy!
I can't honestly remember what we were laughing at but this definitely wasn't the "family portrait" I had in mind at first but..It's perfectly honestly us and that is why I love it! On to the "formal" shots..
And Pepper (I had her ball LOL)
And there you have the entire T. Clan...
Posted by Brooke at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Naturally answers tend to come when you least expect them and typically are not looking for least thats what happened yesterday
Ok so long story short I went to follow a lead on a job (for those of you new to "me" I recently graduated with my RMA registered medical assistant carticficate) and while I was in the building decided that since my old OBGYN office was there I would get a full copy of my chart (NOTE: according to HIPAA a pt has the right to this at any time I reccomend using it) the purpose was to have it for the new fertility DR...and sadly they are not the best at forwarding records on ..Which brings me to the point of this story theses previous records were never sent over to my new OB while I was still pregnant (last year!!! for crying out loud!)when I got home I decided to read through and organize my stuff to make it easier for the new Dr to get through and while doing this I noticed some hinky test results that indicate that ,at least at one point, I have Low Progesterone...I was told by said Dr that I "had a result indicating I did not ovulate that cycle" but not that I had 2 consecutive LOW results..what does this have to do with anything? Well what some of you may or may not know is that in conjunction with HCG your progesterone is part of what helps keep you pregnant so to speak..I was never checked for low Prog. because my records were never sent over with the results indicating there may be a problem ,therefore, in theory from a couple of other medical opinions, that could have played a part in my Loss of Skylar.....soak that in....Breathe ...ARE YOU F@*^ing KIDDING ME!!! it may have been preventable?!..even the possibility made me sick to my stomach and brought me to tears...the answer has been staring my (former) Dr in the face for over 7 YEARS!!!! how the hell did he NOT think to tell me Knowing I had had previous issues with concieving and staying pg. I am so angry and shocked right now how could he have kept this info to himself it could have saved our daughter...and now there is no bringing her back and all I can do is walk into yet another dr office but this time armed with additional info and pray that the IUI works and that they can or will moniter my Prog. level...I spent a year praying for an answer but now that I (theoretically) have one I am ...I don't know what I feel honestly angry, sad , shocked...and maybe even a tad relieved relieved because at least prog. is a problem that can be treated...and now Back to square 1
Posted by Brooke at 11:14 AM 0 comments