So I have been quiet on here again mainly because I have been trying to decide when ,if and, how to make an announcment...
I'm pregnant
It's taken over a year to get here with a lot of bumps along the way but here we are I am 8 weeks today and I would be totally lying if I didn't admit that as happy as I am I'm also TERRIFIED I feel that this pg is already off to a better start in that my hormone levels have all been good and I feel like shit lol so probably a good thing but I can't help feeling some of the darkness creep up now and then too especially as I am entering the same stage I was in when we lost Skylar last year... I honestly don't know what I think or feel at the moment I am a ball of insane emotion 99% of the time but I figure its ok for me to feel like this as long as I don't let it beat me down.
So far I have measured actually about 5 days ahead of where they said I should be by mt LMP so The dr is actually optomistic that this will be my rainbow baby to keep I have had 2 ultrasounds both of which showed a perfect baby with a perfect HB so that has me slightly more at ease my next appt is not until the 1st but God bless Dr.C he said if I hit my 9 week mark and get to anxious all I have to do is call and he will squeeze me in for my own peace of far I am managing to stay sane (ok as sane as any hormonal woman ever is lol) .
So now that we all know whats going on in my world I hope things are well in yours (lol pending anyone actually reads this haha)
Much Love to all!
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago