So DH had the big appt yesterday and amazingly things went fairly well he does have poison Ivy unfortunatly but they did the order for another SA (no surprise there) the surprise came when not only did the dr decide that he needed to see a Urologist but they scheduled the appt for us before we even left and then to top the cake he is getting in next week! Talk about Moving right along..the more things work out the more I am realizing maybe this is the path we are supposed to be on and should have taken long ago(the previous dr suggested a specialist but offered NO help to get him in to one) for the moment things are looking up and I am seeing a possible light in this tunnel. I am more relaxed and positive of our path than I have been in months..Maybe God does hear me after all,Thank you
Oh and DS had his check up today he is Perfect (but I knew that already) and ready for me football mom!
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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